Friday 14 September 2012

How to Access Blocked Websites Without Proxy

 How We can By pass that Firewall Or Any Other Software that Restrict us to access those website. Below are some gr8 Software through  which we can easily bypass Firewall Or Any Other Software  Restrictions Without using any proxy server or proxy website .Some firewall might blocked your proxy website.


Toonel is Java  Platform program through which You can easily access Blocked website,To run this program to need to have java install in your system.You can Download toonel from here .Simply Download toonel  double click after download You don’t need to configure anything it’s already preconfigured .

Access Blocked Websites

After Runing Tonnel Just Right Click  on “iexplore->Property->Connections->Lan Setting->Proxy-Server”
Fill The Required Setting As Shown Below:-


Enter Port 8080 in Proxy Server Address.That’s it just open your internet Explorer and access your favorite block website Without using any proxy server or proxy website.


Ultra Surf Is  Another good software,Its very easy to use You can download Software From here .After Downloading just double click on ultra surf  as shown in figure:-


After Runing ultra surf. Its show’s You a message that “Success Fully Connected To Server“. You Don’t need to configure any thing,you don’t need entering any  ip address or any port no in proxy server address Tab as shown in  figure-2 :-


It Automatically made configurations For You . Now open your internet Explorer and access your favorite block website Without using any proxy server or proxy website.

By using above two methods you can access your favorite Blocked Websites.:)

3.Google Translator

A little tutorial found on the italian site inspired me for this hack. That tutorial suggests to translate a webpage, using Google translator, to access it even if restricted.
It worked fine but something else was needed... why translate?!
Ok, let's start from the beginning. We all know that Google is more than a search engine; we do use it as provider for email, mapping, news and many other services. Google is now also a free proxy service. Proxy is a device that stands between a PC and the internet, providing all the connections to the world wide web. What a proxy does is to receive all data from a requested site, so when you access web pages all data come from proxy.
What's the purpose for Google as a proxy? We often use office/school/university connections, usually those services are set to provide more safety, blocking the access to undesidered web sites (the "black list"). What you can do now is use Google translator service (language tools) as a proxy to bypass the restrictions set for our connection!
You just need to type the following URL:|en&

( stands for the URL you need to go to...)
What you'll get is the translation (english to english!) of the page you want to see... your connection is directed to a page so this page won't be blocked (would be blocked only with on the black list), no matter what's the content.

Notice that the URL has been a little hacked because the parameter "langpair" is set to "en|en" (english/english) so the page is processed by Google but you can keep the original language of the page (no need to translate!). If you need another language (e.g. french) you just need to set the parameter langpair to "fr|fr" and you'll be able to read french pages in french!

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